This thanksgiving will go down in the books for one of the best ever. There were so many things that made it perfect but one in particular stood out. About a month ago I received an email from Joe. Joe dates one of my best friends, Katie. They have been together about 7.5 years so everyone was wondering when the engagement was going to happen. I mean thats a long time. So I got an email from Joe asking me to do some photos of him and Katie for family gifts. I thought nothing because his family lives in Ohio which is pretty far. They dont see them that often. Then I read on and it said "PLEASE DONT TELL ANYONE". Right there I was like "uuh the little bugger is so proposing to her and wants me to be there for photos". I totally called him out on it, and of course I was right. So for the next months Joe and I planned out "the day".
Now, for all of you who know me, you know that I am THE WORST secret holder EVER. Its not that I have a big mouth, and I do it maliciously, its the fact that exciting news just bursts out and half the time I dont even realize that I have blown the secret. Since an early age my father gave up telling me what he my mom for xmas because for so many years I blew it. Nobody EVER told me about surprise B-Days for friends growing up because I would get so excited I would slip the news. So this was going to be a test for me. Thankfully Katie and Joe live in CT (normally I hate the situation) so I dont get to see them as often as I would like. My main fear was keeping it a secret from Katie and my two other best pals Kate and Jan. This was going to KILL me, but I promised Joe.
Anyway Thursday came and I couldnt be happier. The night before the girls and I met up for a few drinks and it was torture! I needed this to happen already. I honestly didnt sleep much the night before, and I kept thinking "I wonder what Joe is thinking right now". But the day went so well and I am so happy to share these images because they mean so much to me. Joe... I cant thank you enough for letting me be part of this day. It meant so much to me and I know having these pictures will mean so much to you. Katie, congrats I am so proud and I love you. Kate, and Jan... SORRY, but you have to admit I did a great job keeping the secret you have to be a little proud!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!
I will start out with the ones that lead up to the proposal...

Katie didnt want any close ups posted. She said they are engineers, not models. I had to put this one up!!

Love this one too

And here you have it... The proposal.