Molly Anne Photography

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brotherly Love

I met Eileen the first day of college back in ‘01. Since that day the two of us have been inseparable. We lived together for six years and to this day still work together. She is more than a friend to me, she is family. We finish each others sentences, we laugh at things that nobody else would laugh at, and we share EVERYTHING with each other. She can read me better than anyone and I do the same towards her. Over the years, her family and friends have become mine. This is where Joey comes to the picture. Joey is pretty much a boy version of Eileen and I so anytime we get to spend time together is time well spent. I can’t honestly tell you if I have ever had a serious conversation with him over the last 7 or 8 years. So when Eileen asked me to do a shoot of the two of them for her parents 30th anniversary I was jazzed. My only concern was if we would actually be able to behave for an hour. Eileen’s mother had actually requested that I take some photos of them and she even had the spot picked out. She wanted traditional, simple, and HULL. The Stanley’s grew up in Hull and spent many days basking in the water at James Ave. There is a special tree that hangs over the pebbly beach that has a place in Mrs. Stanley’s heart. It was very apparent that we had to incorporate that somehow. I hope that the Stanley’s are happy with their photos! I love this family very much (Joey don’t let that get to your head).

Eileen came home with me on a lunch break and picked a few that she liked and helped me edit it to her liking. She really likes the black and white look as you will see.











Unknown August 28, 2009 at 5:30 AM  

Loooooooooove the last one the best! The colors are great! Damn those beautiful Stanleys :)

Jill T August 28, 2009 at 9:19 AM  

Love Them OBV
